Jesus Nieto's profile

Idol - Pablo Todd (video clip)

Pablo Todd is one of my friends from school and once he asked me to help him produce a video. I thought this as a really big challange cause i had never done a videoclip like this, and to be honest i thought  it was a great oportunity to spead my work with such a great musician and also to mess up if i had to, cause i was not getting paid.
So I accepted the job and we started to work on a story board, we both had in mind shots we wanted to see but nothing about a good story. and then we got the time on our heads cause the singer had to leave to Miami the next day. 
We took everything we had and went to a friend of mine's apartment roof in mexico city, close to "El Angel de la Independencia" and shoot this on a really big rush cause the light was going off and a storm was comming. We had no more than 2 hours to shoot the roof scene and with nothing else than my glidecam, the camera and a small kino.
Then we left to Tod's Studio to shoot the Piano Scenes and the opening scenes. When we finished we were satisfied with the work, but i still had the inquiry of the missing story, the one we never came up with.
When we edited this Todd thougt it was too slow and repetitive, cause well, we had no more than three scenes with the singer singing, so he came up wih the idea of blending in some shots of the city he had done with his go pro, and so it was done.
I like two show this to my friends because although it isn't the best video clip story, i think it looks professional enough to be taken seriously for another job.
I hope you enjoy it!
Idol - Pablo Todd (video clip)

Idol - Pablo Todd (video clip)

This is my first video clip, i hope you enjoy it
