Emma Watson's profile

The Ulster Museum

This is my first brief called The Ulster Museum. The class was brought out to The Ulster Museum, Belfast to look at their exhibit, Age of Liberity. The task was to take pictures, draw the pictures and get information on the exhibit and produce a magazine page about what you found/ liked that was interesting.
Below are some pictures that I took that I plan to be on my page.
1770 dress, shown in the Ulster Museum as part of the Age of Liberty exhibition. 
Close up of Velvet Evening dress, 1912. 
Carved Ivory Skull, 17th Century
Agate and enamel jewel. Late 16th Century, early 17th Century
I made up a layout page using pictures taken from catalogs and magazines to show they way that I planned to make the magazine page on photoshop.
I then made up the way that I wanted the page to look, by using word to place the photos that I took to fit into the layout.
I then made this up on photoshop adding in the information on the clothing and inserting the pictures.
But after seeing this result I didn't think that it looked like a page from a magazine so I decided to create a new one in photoshop that looked more like a magazine page but still had the pictures that I wanted to use and the sketch of the velvet dress. So I made this on photoshop.
Design Critique
Why does the chosen work represent the best outcome of the options you could have developed?
The work that I have completed, I feel represents that it is the best outcome as it came out the way that I wanted it from my planning for the page of a magazine.
How does your work compare with the professional work that you researched?
The page that I produced compared to the research that I carried out from fashion book pages, to help me plan for the layout of my work is different as the pages that I scanned from the books were spacious and had more wording that I had on my own, but I would rather have it that there is less writing on a magazine page. But when I made the new page, the scans where a help in making it more spacious.
What were the constraints and difficulties you encountered?
The difficulty on the project was getting the planning page and the layout pages to look similar in context and images and carrying the research and planning on to Photoshop. And then I decided to do a completely new page for this project.
How could you have improved the process or outcome?
I could have improved on my planning pages as I feel they lacked a bit, but I am happy with the way they turned out. My process to the project could have changed from doing the project first and the other work later to doing the other pages and then doing the project.
The Ulster Museum

The Ulster Museum

Images from a trip to the Ulster Museum, Belfast for the fashion exhibition, Age of Liberty


Creative Fields