Classmate's Personality
Based on a classmate's personality and experiences, we had to design a poster that described them to "sell" their attributes to a client. (That's why it's in advertising, I wasn't sure of where it was supposed to go)

Isabel's a girl who lived 13 years of her life in Venezuela before moving to Mexico, she said her Venezuelan roots are still very present in her. Traveling is her favorite hobby and she enjoys being free.

The pyramid and the building represent her Mexican and Venezuelan roots, I wanted to make them look like a Venn diagram because they both stand for her, the Venezuelan circle is bigger because it's a bigger part of her. The colors around the circles are the country's flag colors. Around each circle there are words from each country because she likes to mix both cultures. I tried showing different countries with coins, because she said she likes traveling, the background color is light blue because I feel it gives a sense of liberty and space.


Poster representing a classmate's personality.
