As a designer I have always been fascinated with the idea of what it is that inspires me, and why? I created this book to discover these answers.
The word “inspire”  is a word that is constantly being used in our society, but we never stop and wonder what inspiration truly is?
As designers and artist alike we are all faced with a common dilemma, are we creating meaningful piece of art and design, or are we just contributing to the overflowing landfill? To truly answer this question we must first understand the true nature of design. I always ask myself what is the point of design if it ultimate fate is to be thrown away. But if you think of this theory you will ask yourself is design ever really just thrown away? The answer to this question is, no. Instead design can be much more, design has the abilities to inspire us. Ideas are a never-ending process,  when we as viewers take something away from what we have viewed that idea inspires us. As we become inspired we inspire others with our creations. Inevitably this inspiration seeds the imagination of the populace. Ultimately design is destined for the landfill, but only the physical elements end up there, the ideas stay with us, and the cycle of inspiration continues. An idea is never truly dead, because the power of any design is to inspire.
Thanks for viewing.
Special Thanks to: Matthew Lyons (Photography) And all those who have influenced the creative process.


As a designer I have always been fascinated with the idea of what it is that inspires us all, and why? This book was created to discover these an Read More
