So in the beginning of the third semester, me and my class were given the task to make ad for the Danish candies called "Ga-Jol". That was fine, until we heard that the ad should be used in our homecountries as a welcoming promoter for Ga-Jol. That's where the challange came into play. 
How are we supposed to promote that specific Danish liquorice taste in Bulgaria?
Well.. I gave it a try and started by clearing few things in my head: "What is it that I want to promote and sell?" "Who is the target group and how are they going to understand the product?" Firstly,  I knew in my head that I want to sell not that much the candies, but the idea of Denmark and the vikings. And thats the idea around which I wrapped my assignment. Without further ado, there it is - the process and the finished ad.
In the beginning my head was close to exploding, because I didnt know which direction to go. I had few concepts going on, and as you can see I had one that was around much. That one:
It was quite easy working with established idea, because I knew what I wanted to achieve.
Ga-Jol ad

Ga-Jol ad

School project about the Danish company Ga-Jol. From sketches to finished ad.
