A deconstructed pre-stretched 18x24 canvas project with handing stitching: A sculpture to mimic MSA (multiple systems atrophy) such as Parkinson's, Huntington’s- those illnesses that lead to cerebellum dysfunction (balance), autonomic decline (no control over bladder, sight, etc), and parkinsonism (atrophy of bones leading to weakness, stiffness, and immobility in limbs).  This focuses on mainly the parkinsonism stage- what appears first- lack of movement and control to touch 2,3,4, 5th fingers to thumb, and secondly stiffness of the distal joints (fingers, wrist) and working it's way up to the proximal joints (elbow, shoulder).
Collaberated cardboad camera project 
Body by Joe Lee
Lens by Charlotte Duncan
Found object 'personal trophy' project: trophy for my wilderness medicine certifications.  Made out of wood to show you use what you find in an emergency, jar serving as a "first aid kit" holding natural materials.  Jar/log creates a contrast between material world vs. natural world. Jar found in recycling shed in Lincolnville, ME, log found in Hampden, MD, carved with swiss army knife.  


Sculpture projects


Creative Fields