Ana Moreira Neto's profile

Book Cover and Poster. Dangerous Ideas for Portugal

Reading Project
with the book "Ideias Perigosas para Portugal"
The goal of this project was to create a special edition of a book, remaking its cover and adding a notebook and a poster to it. The book is called "Ideias Perigosas para Portugal" (Dangerous Ideas for Portugal). The authors challenged 60 portuguese people to think about Portugal in a totally free and risky way - about its past, present and future. The result is 60 ideas about different matters of the country.

For this project, I used a half skull photograph with illustrated engines inside of it, to give the sense of dangerous idea. As I didn't want to use the obvious Portuguese colors (red, green and yellow), I used a dark texture background, so the overall would seem more intriguing. The typeface used is Industria.
Book Cover [22x15cm]
Book Jacket
Notebook Cover [My Dangerous Ideas for Portugal]
A2 Poster [Dangerous Ideas _to have or not to have: Conferences around the book]
Book Cover and Poster. Dangerous Ideas for Portugal

Book Cover and Poster. Dangerous Ideas for Portugal

Book cover and poster design
