Drawings, paintings and constructions
Sometimes old school techniques can get the job done better and faster than digital art. Here is a sampling of some of my handy work.
Cougar Watch

After several cougar sightings in Lake County the newspaper requested some supplemental graphics to push our ongoing coverage. This started as an black and white sketch which I then colored with photoshop. Unfortunately there was no room for it on the day of publication (pesky advertising) so the info graphic was demoted to info box.
Designing with scissors

All of the layers of the hotdog and french fries are cut from two sheets of copy paper and colored with pastel chalk. A third sheet of copy paper serves as the wrapper. The hardest part of this illustration was getting all the pieces to the photographer without loosing anything.

This pastel on color paper was drawn to the planned layout dimensions for publication. After it was shot I used Photoshop to highlight the three areas that are most affected by this disease.
Brother Seuss

My brother is a Dr. Seuss fanatic so for his 30th Birthday I painted this caricature of him as the Cat in the Hat. The painting is acrylic on canvas.
Spring Color

This paper construct and background were designed and built to scale based on my planned layout for the story. Aside from a few Photoshop tweaks to the shadows the backing paper and the flower blended nicely when shot by the photo department.

Sometimes coming to a simple solution is not so simple. There were many more elaborate attempts but in the end I was able to rest easy with this illustration for a health feature about a variety of sleeping disorders. The Zs were cut from crumpled 11 x 17 copy paper which was smoothed and colored with pastel chalk.


Sometimes old school techniques can get the job done better and faster than digital art. Here is a sampling of some of my handy work through draw Read More
