“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” – Muhammad Ali
“Quality is not an act, it is a habit” – Aristotle
“Dont worry about a thing, every little thing is gonna be alright” – Bob Marley
“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” – Buddha
“A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life” – Charles Darwin
“Be realistic, demand the impossible” – Che Guevarra
“I will not be triumphed over” – Cleopatra
“Wherever you go, go with all your heart” – Confucius
“Work, look for peace and calm in work: you will find it nowehere else” – Dmitri Mendeleev
"The most effective way to do it is to do it " – Amelia Earhart
“Imagination is more important than knowledge” -Albert Einstein
“A clear and innocent conscience fears nothing” – Queen Elizabeth 1
“Passion is the genesis of genius” – Galileo Galilei
“Where there is love there is life” – Mahatma Gandhi
“I am not afraid to do this” – Joan of Arc
“Time you enjoy wasting, was not wasted” – John Lennon
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” – Leonardo da Vinci
“Leave nothing for tomorrow which could be done today” – Abraham Lincoln
“Genius is eternal patience” – Michelangelo
“I have a dream” – Martin Luther King
“Sleep, those tiny slices of death, how I despise them” – Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
“This is one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind” – Neil Armstrong
“Strong reasons make strong actions” – William Shakespeare
“I don’t care that they stole my idea, I care that they don’t have any of their own” – Nikola Tesla
“I would rather die of passion than of boredom” – Vincent van Gogh
Inner Strength

Inner Strength

A series of animated posters created for CSULB’s BFA Graphic Design Senior show. (Spring 2014) Mission: The word ‘Metal’ was the theme of the sh Read More
