A reel of various video projects that I have made and collaborated on in the past couple years. This was reel was created in April 2012.
"Austin Anderson - Feature Piece" - camera op, director, producer, editor
"The Switch - Action Sequence" - director, producer, editor
"Numbered - Dialogue Sequence" - director, producer, editor
"Interview with Grand Staff Ministries" - director, producer, editor, graphics
"Swaziland Teaser - Grand Staff Ministries" - director, producer, editor, graphics
"College Cents - PSA" - camera op, director, producer, editor, graphics
"Bring Hope - Team China" - camera op, director, producer, editor, graphics **
"Choices" - produced, co-directed

Other graphics from: "The Loop - Intro" and "Human Trafficking - News Package"

**Only camera op for certain material. China shots are from Mithun Abraham.
2012 Demo Reel