Museum of Photographic Arts Recreation ~ 
I visited the MOPA in mid-April, during which their photographic selection seemed to feature work with one similar style, the photographs being taken in black and white. I noticed reoccurring themes that I tried to implement in my recreations. All photos and their recreations are found in the same order depicted above. The first photo centered a man who is slightly off center showing off his main line of work, so my photo shows a tuba player for a Mexican band as he performs for the public. Despite the image in black and white, I decided to keep the light pink of the florals on his jacket shown. The second photo features an artist who is centered, and I showed one of my best friends blowing out her candles, set dead center in frame. The third photo shows a busy street with color similar to that in Pop Art, and I tried to keep similar colors such as the red, blue, yellow and white similar to the one I took in Long Beach. The fourth photo was one of my favorites in the museum, which showed the photographer and his subject in an elevator mirror. While I didn't have another subject since I couldn't find an elevator with a mirror, I took a photo in my own mirror, strategically covering my face with the camera. The final photo highlighted 50s aesthetics, and I took a photo of a close family friend in a traditional Palestinian dress looking off to the side similarly to the one above, to highlight the theme of aesthetics dated to past time periods. 
MOPA Recreation

MOPA Recreation


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