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Exploring 7 Strategies Through Scissors

Cutting Edge Creativity: Exploring 7 Strategies Through Scissors
The aim of this project was to delve into seven creative strategies aiding graphic designers in conveying ideas with visual impact. To achieve this, I selected the object scissors as the focal point, with each strategy applied to craft a meaningful message that prompts viewers to perceive scissors in a fresh light. These concepts emerged from diverse brainstorming techniques such as rough sketching, mind mapping, and extensive research. While some compositions underwent more iterations than others, I'm pleased with the outcome of each.
First Steps: Description & Sketches

Combinations: Merge two distinct objects into one to convey a powerful message.
Juxtaposition: Put objects together in a way that surprises people, and make objects highlight their differences more than their similarities.
Isolation: Isolate an object by contrasting it from its surroundings.
Metaphor or Simile: Create an opportunity for viewers to ponder deeper meanings within an image.
Change of Context/Environment: Convey a message by placing an image out of its usual context
Physical/Shape Similarity: Find similarities between things that are generally unrelated based on their physical appearance.
Material Change/Swap/Focus: Change one characteristic of something for another that is not common, Present an object in an unconventional way, diverging from its typical use.
Second Steps: Visual Assets & Experiments

I started by gathering ideas from different places, like drawing rough sketches, making lists of related words, and doing research to learn more. Then, I picked scissors as my main focus and began experimenting with different ways to use them creatively. I tried out seven different strategies to see how they would work with the scissors, making sure each idea was both meaningful and visually interesting.
Final Images

In the end, this project resulted in a series of artworks that demonstrate the application of seven creative strategies to scissors. Each piece reflects the journey from idea to execution, showcasing the transformed scissors in visually compelling ways. Through experimentation and refinement, these artworks aim to engage viewers and offer new perspectives on familiar objects.
Exploring 7 Strategies Through Scissors

Exploring 7 Strategies Through Scissors
