Hangeul Design: A Convergence of Art and Alphabet. 

Squares, triangles and circles redefine the essence of 14 Korean consonants in this visual art project that transforms Hangeul through geometric aesthetics. From the first letter Giyeok to the last letter Hieut, each alphabet is stylised into conceptual designs based on creative themes. Part of the 365 colorverve series, the project celebrates Hangeul's unique beauty and structure through themed designs.

Themes given to the consonants include 'Starting Point' in Giyeok, 'Graceful Curve' in Nieun, 'Balance' in Digeut, 'Flowing Rhythm' in Rieul, 'Squared Harmony' in Mieum, 'Soft Burst' in Bieup, 'Sharp Edge' in Siot, 'Sound of Silence' in Ieung, 'Pointing Skyward' in Jieut, 'Crossing Lines' in Chieut, 'Beyond Angles' in Kieuk, 'Dynamic Tension' in Tieut, 'Open Square' in Pieup, and 'Breath' in Hieut.

ColorVerve :: 🎈Peppy day
⊹ Hangeul: ㉠〰️㉭
'Hangeul Design' project artistically reinterprets the 14 Korean consonants using geometric shapes and colors. By combining consonant pairs daily, unique conceptual artworks are created that encapsulate the essence of Hangeul(July 2023). Specific shapes and color schemes aim to stimulate emotional connections and highlight the beauty inherent in the alphabet. Creative highlights include ㄴㅂ (NOVV), ㅎㅌ (Heart), ㅇㄹ (Summer), ㅍㄷ (Wave), ㅅㄱ (Apple), ㅈㅁ (Grapefruit), and ㅊㅋ (Chocolate). The project explores Hangeul's artistic potential through visual design.

✹ 𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙧𝙑𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚
The ColorVerve project explores various color combinations and compositions by connecting shapes and forms, examining visual expression.

🪻Virid garden_breath of nature, fresh garden theme 
🛋️Homey home_scenes of home, everyday beauty theme 
🍏Juicy greens_fresh energy, lively Fruitfulness theme 
🍮Sweets_sweet temptation, dessert delight theme 
🎈Peppy day_bright day, joyful happy theme 
🔅Elemental_natural elements, geometry theme

𝗡𝗢𝗩𝗩  @novv_works
⇢ novvlife@naver.com

Hangeul design


Hangeul design
