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Social outbreak in Chile 2019

''In Chile Human Rights were Violated''
In total, the INDH received reports of 6,807 violations. The most frequently reported by victims were beatings, with 2,095 (30.8%); shootings, with 1,844 (27.1%); and forced nudity, with 381 (5.6%).
Regarding the location of the reported incidents, the majority occurred in public spaces: 5,220 (77%). However, a significant percentage occurred when individuals were detained in custody sites, with 738 (10.8%), or in transport vehicles, with 583 (8.6%). Now, 562 (42.7%) correspond to beatings and 338 (25.7%) to forced nudity.
Consequences recorded by the INDH According to complaints filed by the INDH, seven people died due to the actions of state agents. Of the total victims, 3,581 people (94.8%) suffered some type of physical injury without resulting in death.
Of this total, 220 victims (6%) suffered some type of eye trauma. 50 people (22.7%) suffered eye ruptures; 82 victims (37.3%) suffered vision loss; and 88 victims (40%) suffered some injury caused by eye trauma.
Chilean police officers carry firearms that shoot lead and steel.​​​​​​​
Chilean police torture their own citizens, 
suppress every act of demonstration and protests.
Chilean police carry out setups and state terrorism against the Mapuche nation.
Chilean police illegally detain protesters.
Chilean police kidnap and disappear people.
Chilean police rape and abuse girls and women.
The head of the UPD indicated that the INDH recommended "a set of relevant and appropriate reparations to the victims. Especially, physical and mental health benefits, rehabilitation, and compensation, repair for psychological damage. Also, an appropriate medical approach. Comprehensive reparation should include measures aimed at restoring the conditions or the situation prior to the violation of human rights suffered by the victims," ​​​​​​​
INDH Map In connection with this issue, the INDH provides the Map of Human Rights Violations.
shoot protesters at face level, causing irreparable eye damage.
We cannot forget the color of the Chilean Police. Born as the personal police force of Carlos Ibáñez del Campo on April 27, 1927, but founded as forces of order and security. We cannot forget the armed enemy of the people, the oppressive murderer, the institution that has literally stained its hands with blood under the mandate of the nefarious president Piñera, under the auspices of a government that has systematically violated human rights. A fascist neoliberal antidemocratic government formed by the elite, the true owners of power and our resources, the true thieves in suits and ties.

‘’The fascist dictatorship ignores the functioning of the laws that govern the social process and, therefore, seeks to resist change through repression; by ignoring this, it turns its back on the hegemony that political rationality has slowly elaborated and in the name of which it declares war on the rise of new values. It is the paradox of a regime that denies the civil society that it itself defends and for whose maintenance it resorts to the naked force that democratic civilization has institutionalized’’ (Tapia J. State Terrorism).

Let us not forget that when it falls and the history and the institution itself must be reformed, this entity must surrender to change as the only method of survival for the collective memory of our Chilean people. Because no one is forgotten, we are witnesses to pain, loss, and suffering.
Social outbreak in Chile 2019


Social outbreak in Chile 2019
