Located on the north side of the city center in Dublin, Ireland, you can find Twilfit House. The building is from 1927 and is originally a factory producing corsets. North side of Dublin is a vibrant area full of diverse stores. Oriental shops, charity shops, cafes, and pubs. Unfortunately, the area suffers from anti-social behavior and many citizens are worried about the development of the area. Dublin city council wants to sustain life within the center of the city through intensive mixed-use development. The strategy would be to provide a mix of uses which interacts with each other, help create a sense of community, and which sustain the vitality of the inner city both day and night.
The brief involves exploring the potential re-use of an existing building to a hotel. The client wants a new hospitality experience with accommodation, restaurant, bar, and an event space. ​​​​​​​
Floorplan Ground Floor
Floorplan First Floor
Floorplan Second Floor

