You think 1 second is too short for you to do anything?

We tell you NO!

1 second is enough to say “Yes

But it may take you minutes, hours, days, nights, and even years, to hesitate. 
You are hesitating? 
Well, it is OK to hesitate. Just …

… Remember
Your dreams will never come true if you don’t go for it.
Your thinking will never be appreciated if you don’t speak out.
Would there be a Moonlight sonata, if Beethoven had never let it out to beheard?
Would there be a Mona Lisa, if Leonardo da Vinci had never drawn it on a realpoplar panel but only thought in his mind?

1 second can change your life. Don’t waste that 1 second hesitating.

Say “Yes”.
* The script above is intended to be the concept for a short clip. 

Thank you for your time! 

MAS MinhThu

1 Second

1 Second

Encourage people (and me myself) not to waste too much time on thinking and hesitating. I created it as the concept & copy for a TVC (which I ha Read More


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