The Study Buddy
The study buddy is an automated sentry turret with rubber bands being the ammo. It is made from one servo motor used to release the rubber band. A stepper motor that is programed for a 180 degrees of range, it moves left first then it moves right then it moves left. Lastly, there is an ultrasonic sensor that is programmed to sense objects up to 15 inches away. When the sensor detects an object it will activate the servo motor and release the rubber band which is inaccurate on purpose as to not harm anyone and serve solely as warning shots. In order to interact with the project, you must stand within 15 inches of the sensor. The critter is not friendly and should not be messed with.
This video demonstrates how the project works and shows that it is indeed fully functional with the rubber band.
On the left side, this was the prototype form and first iteration of the Study Buddy. On the right side, it is the reiterated version that just needed to be fastened together.

This is the story board for the video below, it briefly explains the reason behind the creation and then discusses some of the downsides to The Study Buddy.
The Study Buddy

The Study Buddy
