Michael Coburn's profile


BRIEF: The client, Manchester Electronic Collective, commissioned me to create branding and social media ads for their then-new monthly live electronic music events in Manchester.
THE CONCEPT: 'Dance With The Robots' explores the parasocial relationship between the electronic musician and their equipment, often referred to as 'the machines'. The logo/wordmark is based upon the step sequencers within many hardware drum machines. The main graphic image depicts androids/cyborgs with their own distinct personalities. This is a common visual metaphor within electronic music, from Kraftwerk to Daft Punk and beyond.
The posts created for the initial events depicted somewhat ramshackle-looking humanoid robots to signify the DIY nature of the event and the rough-and-ready feel of many of the performances.
The promotional materials for the January event depicted a group of cyborgs with robotically enhanced vision, hearing, and sense of wonder. This is to reflect the feeling of excitement that can accompany a new year.   
Instagram Stories. 
Bespoke Posts for Performing Artists
The promo for the February edition takes the loosely formed shape of a "cheesy" Clintons-style Valentine's Day card. This was the first event in which DJs were invited to play after the live performances. As such, the wide eyes of our 'Robot-Romeo' take the form of vinyl records.

MEC firmly believe that the crowd are as important to the Bleep experience as the music.  Therefore as part of the February 2023 promo campayne I made two videos both shot on in the thick the dancefloor. The first was a general that has been deliberately re-rendered and down-sampled to give a grainy shot on a Nokia in 2004 feel.

The second video features the just silhouettes those on the dancefloor to accentuate the movement at the party and give a feel of the curious and playful atmosphere of the party. 

Music By Indigo Jung
Music by Crystal Maps (me)


