Emma Jones's profile

SIMPL MLZ 4 Students

Meal Delivery App: SIMPL MLZ 4 Students
For this project, I had to create a proposal and mobile app prototype for a Grocery, Meals, or Recipe App to be funded by a Fortune 500 grocery retailer. I utilized the Persona as a UX/UI Research Method to help guide my design decisions and brand style. Competitor research fueled the need for a custom meal app for students.
Wordmark & Persona for SIMPL MLZ
Final Video Prototype Walkthrough
Assignment Reflection
I used color theory to decide on my color palette. When thinking of fresh, fun and easy things, bright colors give the energy and set the mood. If I had used dark and dull colors, the mood would be completely different and would not reflect the brand accurately. 
I also wanted to customize the app directly to the persona: students. This is why I spelled SIMPL MLZ with abbreviations instead of SIMPLE MEALS and uses 4 instead of "for". This reflects the youthful and easygoing personality of the app and persona.
In the last project, I learned much more about interactions and creating interactive elements such as carousel images. With this project, I taught myself how to make simple animations and how to make overlays for elements. I was much more comfortable and curious after the last project and wanted to make it even more interactive. I do feel much more confident in my skills in Figma and know there is even more to learn.
SIMPL MLZ 4 Students

SIMPL MLZ 4 Students
