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"That sounds like an interesting experience! What made you decide to visit your college after all this time?"
"It's challenging when you feel like you've lost something that was once a part of you. It might be helpful to explore what activities or aspects of your life used to bring you joy and see if you can incorporate them back into your routine."
"It's wonderful that photography has been such a positive outlet for you! It can be incredibly therapeutic to immerse yourself in a creative pursuit like photography. Do you still actively pursue photography as a hobby?"
"It sounds like you've used photography as a powerful way to express your emotions and experiences. Using darkness as a theme can add a lot of depth and emotion to your photos.
How do you feel when you look at those photos now?"
"Sometimes, reconnecting with old passions or hobbies can help reignite that spark."
                       T H A P A R    U N I V E R S I T Y , P A T I A L A 
-O U T L E T


-O U T L E T


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