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For this project, I designed 3 different book covers for a classic novel, Les Miserables. I used three different methods that include typography, handmade with physical materials, and designer’s choice. 

I distinctly remember reading the novel, Les Miserables, for the first time as a freshman in high school. The vivid imagery that the author, Victor Hugo, was able to create with his words, has always been remarkable to me. The complex and creative storyline and the way he intertwined so many lives with each other, will always hold a little piece of my heart. The characters come alive, and I can't find relatable attributes in each one. I've since read the book in its entirety three more times since those days long ago in high school. 

As part of the process for this project, I was to find three objectives or messages that are portrayed in my book. I enjoyed opening up this massive novel once again, and reviewing some of the stronger messages that are being written about. Here are my three messages I chose to focus on. 
Social Justice and Compassion-the book conveys a strong message about the importance of social justice, compassion, and empathy towards the less fortunate. This message could be targeted at the society of Hugo’s time, which had stark class divisions and social inequality. The novel talks about the plight of the poor and marginalized, and always makes me reflect on my own societal responsibilities. 
Redemption and Forgiveness-I think the author may have intended to highlight the transformative power of compassion, forgiveness, and the possibility of redemption even for those who have committed serious wrongs. I can find Gospel parallels in this book. The concept of redemption in the novel serves as a moral guide. It reminds me, as the reader, to consider forgiveness and empathy in my own life, and to look beyond the surface judgements of society.
Political Critique and Advocacy for Change-I think the book aims to inspire readers to question and challenge political structures they disagree with. It motivates us to advocate for positive societal change. It calls for more active engagement in political processes and a commitment to justice from all people, mostly for lower classes. 
This is my final design for my Typography cover. I believe my typography cover is successful because it conveys a clear message from a theme in the book. The colors contrast really well, and makes the typography really pop off the page. It looks like a cover than would catch an avid reader’s eye. 
This is my final design for my handmade cover. I think the message of pushing through hard times and getting through the rough times in life can be seen from this cover because of the rough texture of the concrete in the background. I think that the mix of different type faces for the title conveys a message of a life that is messy, difficult, and has its ups and downs.
Here is my final design for the Designers Choice book cover. I feel like it was a successful design. I like the symbolism of a chain, how it's breaking apart, and how that fits into the theme of the story. Jean Valjean had to work so hard to overcome his past, and that chain represents him breaking free. I intertwined the letters to represent or symbolize that parts of our past are harder to be freed from.
Overall, I learned so much during this project. One thing that sort of surprise me was how proud I was of my final designs. The process to finalize a composition can be really hard sometimes, so to be able to be happy with the final look is something that should be enjoyed. I feel like all three book covers are ones that I would be drawn to, and it would make me pick up the book and read it. 

