Suzan Oslin's profile

Fandango Wireframes and Usability Test Sample

Mobile and website designs used in testing.
At Fandango, I was contracted to lead the creation of a procedure for weekly user testing. Tests were designed to validate new designs and features for web and mobile. 

I also worked on wireframes for new and revised feature workflows. Below are a sampling of deliverables I created. I was responsible for wire framing, test plans, and prototyping. Visual design was by the visual design group, test analysis was by
Fandango Ticket Sales User Test
Sample test pages and test plan to determine how well users understand that Fandnago sells movie tickets. Comparing the existing design to a new design.

These were quick tests that we would run 1 to 2 times a week. I was responsible for designing the test plan and buidling out the test pages either in Axure or HTML for web and mobile.
Static versions with limited interactivity of the new vs the existing home page designs were built in HTML and delivererd to the testers. This allowed us to keep the tester focused on relevant areas to the test.
Following a clear test plan saves time during user testing while generating valid results, gets everybody on the same page, and can be repeated.
Mobile Check-out Flow Usability Test
Sample wires used for testing
Based off these wireframes, screens were created for use in an Axure prototype. The test plan included a test for the login flow as well as the checkout flow.
Sweepstakes Flow
Wireframe sample that delineates the sweep stakes flow from the trailer page above.
Movies and Showtimes Rate and Review
Fandango Wireframes and Usability Test Sample

Fandango Wireframes and Usability Test Sample
