Da Prayer Box
This project was made as a part of my Rapid & Improvisational Prototyping class as a challenge where I had 4 hours to create or build any type of creative design. Thinking about what to do for this challenge was stressful. Amongst other assignments I worried that I wouldn’t have enough time to figure out what to do. When I thought about what I should do when things got stressful, I remembered that I should pray. Then it hit me- Da Prayer Box. This is where I could write down any prayers that I need to and put them in the box as I intentionally reflect on these things. I thought it would be best to have all these stored in one place.
Simply put, it is a box built like a house with a removable roof that allows me to slip pieces of paper in and out. While sitting at 5” tall with a 10”x5” base, Da Prayer Box is the perfect size to put on my desk in my dorm. ​​​​​​​
I drew out the dimensions needed for me to begin cutting my plywood. I measured out the plywood to create a base, two identical sides, the front and back faces that include the outline of the roof, and the two sides for the roof.
Using foam core for alignment, and once I had the front piece ready, I used the laser cutter to etch a bible verse on it that fit well with the theme of my design.
After all my pieces were ready, I glued them together using a combination of wood glue and super glue due to time constraints.
Here's the bases build glued together.
I, then, sanded the edges of my roof to allow for an angled, seamless, integration
Da Prayer Box

Da Prayer Box
