The Watch Project
The objective to this project was to create a photo realistic, structured, and sophisticated watch. To reach this goal I had to fix my eyes to see thew shapes, highlights, and shadows to bring out the realism in this watch. ​​​​​​​
As I did these sketches, I tried to map out how each part of the watch worked. The shapes that created the outline and then the shapes that made up each shadow and highlights. Going through this process, I noticed more detail as when I first looked at the image. Looking at it in different parts and in shapes made it less overwhelming than looking at it as a whole.
Getting into the program and starting my draft for this project, was pretty straight forward to get the bones of the watch and the simple parts. Then I drove into the band which was the most difficult. I received the most feedback in this part which helped learn a lot about patterns and how to incorporate it in this specific band. I had also added a lot of details with highlights and shadows that would help meet my objective. ​​​​​​​
Obtaining the realistic, structured, and sophisticated watch, I added multiple different shapes to create the shadows, highlights, and bones that make a watch what it is. Creating a bend in the band with a envelope distort, as well as in the patterns got closer to photo realism. Each little decision I made whether it was on the shape of something or if it need to a gaussian blur, it all brought me closer to the goal I wanted to meet. ​​​​​​​
Final Vector
The Watch Project

The Watch Project


Creative Fields