For this project I created a book - a cover and three spreads - depicting three different days from my life that are important to me. Each spread I used a different design technique to tell my story. The three different techniques are: Typography, Illustration, and Collage.
Going from my first draft for my typographic spread, I stretched what I had across the two pages to create some movement. I also changed the line art I had made from lines into words that continued my story. I played around with some of the sizing of the fonts as well to emphasize certain words. 
This was my first draft for my illustration page... I kept majority of my illustration the same however I added another butterfly on the other page to make the illustrative element go across the pages. I also added some color into my butterflies to represent life and how beautiful it can be, despite having a disease. I also adjusted the positioning of the text.
To the left is my first iteration of my collage... A lot of work needed to be done. I knew I wanted to keep the seals, as well as some sort of map element. I ended up finding a topographic map of the part of South Africa I had stayed in, which added a cool element into the collage. I played with my spacing as I found different photos to use and tried to add some elements of South Africa, such as Table Mountain.
My Story


My Story
