🎨 Art interpretation ⏳
This piece is a symbolic mandala representing a cosmic-clockwork that balances multiple infinities: an hourglass with multiple vessels to hold the sand of time, rather than the typical two-sided (duality) sand clock. Within these chambers, "Triality" or the "triad" symbol sits at the top. This taps into a Druidic understanding that reality is balanced by three equal portions, rather than two like the yin and yang. There is light, there is dark and there is the twilight in between.
A triangle connects the zodiac Capricorn (goat-fish) and "SG" which stands for "Synchro-Gnosticism (more on that later). and finally The all-seeing-eye and the words "AM" representing the hermetic idea of "Know Thyself" or "I Am that I Am." All of this pours into the new being, meditating in the lotus pose below this contraption of human design. There is the sun and moon as well as other celestial deities thrown into the mix.
The "XII" (12) at the top symbolizes harmony & completion.
The date to take this vow was a day of manifestation. Two's are numerologically powerful in that regard, and combing this with art (the act of creation) makes for very potent magick
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What is Synchro-Gnositicism? It is the combination of "Synchronicity" (the simultaneous occurrence of events which appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection) and "Gnosis" (to know)... Gnosis refers to knowledge based on personal experience or perception. It's a mystical or esoteric knowledge based on direct participation with the divine. It is an inward "knowing." The way I see it, coincidences are signals worth paying attention to. There are patterns and "cosmic puns" that sometimes defy normality. Seek them out and they will seek you.





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