Move-In Guide
Design by Nick Hammond of Nick Hammond Design
Every year new residents move in to multiple halls here on the campus of UW-Milwaukee. One of them being the gorgeous Kenilworth Square Apartments. As you may have seen in our previous project(s) Kenilworth is an apartment style living option for the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee. Being that it's mostly tailored to the Upperclassmen who attend the University there are a few extra features in which the other residence halls lack. Because of this there needed to be a special "Move-In Guide" made specifically for Kenilworth.

Features include a redesigned cover from that of the previous work of Melissa Dahlman, Contents page, Parents and Family page, Move-In Day page, Campus Maps, and last but not least a Notes page for any jotting down of quick info. Not to mention the nifty little "retro" style illustrations to go along with the subject matter of each page. The back cover was designed so that the mailing address of the recipients may be printed at a later date and mailed to them before their Move-In date.

If you, or anyone else you know, is in need of a brochure or small pamphlet design feel free to contact us at or visit our portfolio at to see more of our work!

Move-In Guide