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Bard welcomes a big update: finally supports Chinese!

Bard welcomes a big update: finally supports Chinese!
With both ChatGPT and Claude ushering in major updates, Bard, owned by Google, is finally not far behind and has released a new version. However, compared to ChatGPT’s artifact Code interpreter, Bard’s updates further improve Bard’s user experience.
However, for Chinese users, this update is of great significance: because Bard finally adds support for Chinese this time.

1. 40 new languages ​​added, Chinese conversation is stress-free
Bard has added more than 40 new  HE Tuber languages ​​this time, including Chinese, Arabic, German, Hindi and Spanish.
The Silicon Star man immediately chatted with Bard. Of course Bard answered some common questions fluently. Take a "Chinese Level 10" question and test it to see if it understands the breadth and depth of Chinese:

Not a bad answer.

But when the Silicon Stars asked it to write a seven-character quatrain, Bard overturned:

2. More new experiences
In addition, Bard also adds voice support. The new version of Bard adds a small loudspeaker icon. Click it and you can hear Bard read out the answer. This is especially useful for users who want to hear the correct pronunciation of a word or listen to a poem or script. This feature now supports more than 40 languages, and Chinese is also supported.
Additionally, users can easily adjust Bard's answers. Users can now change the tone and style of Bard's answers to five different options: simple, long, short, professional or casual. For example, if you think Bard's answer is too long, you can use the drop-down menu to shorten it. Currently this feature only supports English.
At the I/O conference, Google announced that it would bring the functionality of Google Lens to Bard. This update implements the integration of Google Lens. Users can now upload images with prompts, and Bard will analyze the image content and information to provide help. This feature is also currently only available in English.

Source: Twitter

In addition, this Bard has also made some adjustments at the product level.
Pin and rename conversations: Options to pin, rename, and select recent conversations are now available in the sidebar, making it easier for users to revisit these prompts later.
Export code to more places: In addition to Google Colab, users are also allowed to export Python code to Replit.
Share replies with friends: Shareable links allow users to share ideas and creations with others.
3. What is the strength of the Palm 2 behind Bard?
Google's Bard is trained based on its own PaLM 2 model.
The first generation PaLM is a large language model announced by Google in April 2022. It uses 540 billion parameters for training, which is about three times that of GPT-3. The new version of PaLM 2 has been further improved and improved on PaLM, with multi-language, reasoning and coding functions.
PaLM 2 has more training in multilingual texts, covering more than 100 languages, and has a remarkable ability to understand, generate and translate nuanced texts including idioms, poetry and riddles, and also passes "Mastery" Level advanced language

  proficiency test.

In terms of reasoning, PaLM 2's data set includes scientific papers and web pages with mathematical expressions, and it has strong logic, common sense reasoning and mathematical abilities.
At the same time, PaLM2 is pre-trained on a large number of public source code data sets, and its coding ability is stronger. In addition to Python and JavaScript, it also includes generating specialized code in Prolog, Fortran and Verilog.
It is worth noting that PaLM 2 has been developed in different versions, which can be targeted at different customers and deployed in different enterprise environments.
Currently, PaLM 2 has four specifications, ranging from small to large: Gecko, Otter, Bison and Unicorn. Among them, the smallest Gecko can run on a mobile phone and can process approximately 20 Tokens per second, which is about 16 or 17 word. In other words, developers do not need to spend a lot of time and resources to create and adjust PaLM 2, but can directly use it and deploy it.
However, in terms of Bard's current performance, it is always at least one step behind ChatGPT. ChatGPT's Code Interpreter plug-in is finally fully online. Many people say that Code Interpreter is GPT 4.5 wearing a plug-in mask. This Bard update, in addition to In addition to the support for Chinese that makes Chinese users excited, there are not many other surprises.

When will Bard be able to use his bigger moves?

Author: VickyXiao, Juny; Editor: VickyXiao
Original title: Bard welcomes a big update: finally supports Chinese! Go and "tease" it
Source public account: Silicon Star (ID: guixingren123), from technology to culture, from depth to jokes, Silicon Star will tell you everything about Silicon Valley.
This article is published with the authorization of Product Manager cooperative media @PINWAN. Reprinting without permission is prohibited.
The title image is from Unsplash and is licensed under CC0.
The opinions in this article represent only the author's own. The Renren Product Manager platform only provides information storage space services.

Bard welcomes a big update: finally supports Chinese!

Bard welcomes a big update: finally supports Chinese!
