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How product managers hold weekly meetings

How product managers hold weekly meetings
Sometimes we work HE Tuber hard for a week but can't report it. So what should we talk about in the weekly meeting? How in-depth should it go? In what form will the report be used? This article summarizes what should and should not be said in weekly meetings. I hope it will be helpful to you.

Last time my senior wrote then some children asked, 

"I write the weekly report well, but the boss may not read it carefully. Why does it happen every time when it comes to the weekly meeting?" I became a "dumb".
When you see others showing off their work in a flashy way, you can only be questioned by your boss. It’s so miserable that you can’t report on a hard week’s work~ So what should you talk about in the weekly meeting? How in-depth should it go? In what form will the report be used? If you talk too little, it will seem like you are not doing any work. If you talk too much, it will seem that your work is much more difficult, and your boss will be impatient.

Senior sister will talk about how to hold a weekly meeting,

 divided into what should be said, what should not be said, and preparations before the meeting.
1. What will the weekly report talk about?
1. Data
A mistake that many children make is to report the project first. But in fact, the senior sister has written before that the first part of the weekly report is the data, so the same is true for the weekly meeting. After all, the indicators are what the boss cares about most ~ Let’s talk about ourselves first What about the responsible part and key indicators?my senior sister . What we mainly monitor here is the completion of indicators and changes this week.

The senior sister wrote in the weekly article that you can use MTD (month to date) to monitor the completion of indicators - that is, the data progress of indicators so far this month, and compare it with the time progress of this month, such as this 50% of the weekly time has passed, and the MTD/month indicator is 40%, then the completion of this month's indicator is lagging behind.
We use week-on-week changes to monitor changes this week. If this week’s fluctuations are not within the normal range (-3% ~ 3%), then we have to give a reasonable explanation. In addition to week-on-week, MTD If the month-on-month or year-on-year fluctuations are too large, a reasonable explanation is needed. If necessary, curves by day and channel can be attached to explain. For the data part, if you have carefully read the weekly articles written by my seniors before, there should not be any big problems. The main thing is to explain the fluctuations clearly.

In addition, if the indicators fall behind, we cannot sit still and wait for death

. We must propose some possible solutions to the boss, otherwise we will be easily challenged~
2. Project
After talking about the data, we can talk about the project. If there is nothing particularly noteworthy about the data, we can fast forward to the project, which is the highlight of the weekly meeting.

Although the weekly sister recommends that everyone write according to OKR, at the weekly meeting, you should never start talking about the project directly. This will be very unfocused, and you may get tired after talking to the boss for a few times. You must know that there are many people in the weekly meeting. Many people are queuing up to report. We should report on these types of projects first:
High priority projects
A project that my boss is paying close attention to recently. There’s no need to say more, everyone understands~

Cooperative projects, such as projects that span many departments or companies, are more likely to encounter resistance because they require communication from the boss. You definitely need to talk to your boss about such a silly thing.
Each project focuses on reporting these contents:
When did the project progress to which node, such as the design stage-first draft of the design, the research and development stage-starting joint debugging, going online, etc. (For the key nodes of the project, you 

What are the risks that may exist in the project or the resistance it has encountered, and what are the reasons. Of course, we can’t just report the problem, we must also say what efforts we have made and what help we need from the boss (or team members)
As the project progresses, what processes are worth optimizing?
Does the above need to be discussed separately? If so, roughly when
After talking about the key projects, we can quickly review the progress of other projects. If there are no special circumstances, we only need to talk about the progress point. Finally, let’s briefly talk about any new ideas or plans we have in the future. Of course, we don’t need to go into very detailed content to avoid wasting too much time in the meeting. We only need to talk about something like “plan to start research in the second half of the month.”

How product managers hold weekly meetings

How product managers hold weekly meetings
