Alèxia Tejero's profile

Historias Atemporales

La casa del Libro: Historias Atemporales
For these project, we were given a text (left picture) from the series of Autodefensa (Belén Barenys & Berta Prieto, 2022), it was a credo talking about the modern problems in our society. With all this material, we were challenged to choose a brand and create a concept that would relate coherently both the text and the brand. Trying to fulfil the goal, we adapted the text (right picture) and specially finding the adequate concept.
We chose La Casa del Libro, a brand of book stores in Spain. Our insight was that young people do not read books, specially the classic ones, because their plots and stories do not appeal or make them relate. 

However, we propose that there are many plots and characters from books written long ago that deal with and suffer from the same issues we have, but adapted to their context. 
This is why we decided to call this phenomena: Historias Atemporales (Timeless Stories).

Historias Atemporales

Historias Atemporales
