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In 2020, The numerous graphic design studios in the city of Bandung certainly 
have diverse backgrounds, including principles, thoughts, and designs produced. 
However, there is a lack of written documentation, making it intriguing to 
discuss and subsequently publish. 

The challenge lies in designing publication media that effectively captures 
the documentation of graphic design studios in the city of Bandung, serving 
as informative content.

The primary goal is to document currently active and developing graphic design studios 
in the city of Bandung. This documentation will include a thorough discussion of each studio's background, encompassing principles, thoughts, and designs produced.

Initiative Solution
Designing a zine as an information medium regarding the introduction of graphic design studios in the city of Bandung. to find out the background of each graphic design studio in the city of Bandung, including the principles, thoughts, designs produced and the number of graphic design studios 
that are not in the general mass media as a source of inspiration for design students and 
the general public.

Paradigm Statement 
Paradigm is an initiative project based on publication—a zine serving as an alternative information medium with the aim of archiving the development of graphic design studios in Bandung. It includes content introducing the background, principles, thoughts, points of view, and designs produced by each graphic design studio in the city of Bandung.

Logo Statement
Regarding our logo: inspired by human anatomy, namely the sense of sight (eyes) as 
the main source of human vision which is very directional, influencing the way we see 
and think, resulting in different final designs. 

a perspective that will influence a person's frame of mind, attitude and behavior.

