Takashi Takeoka's profile

Our Flag Means Death Season 2 VFX

Our Flag Means Death Season 2 VFX

I was fortunate to come back and work on this project again. It was very fun project to work on. lots of VFX are shot in practical in camera and make it easier to look more realistic and believable. I did many of the shots in purgatory and underwater scene in episode 3. also few shots of blood enhancement, matte-paintings, set extension, split screen, 2d animation, live action compositing and light 3D work.
VFX breakdown
background plate are shot with drone, and people are shot in soundstage in front of blue screen. my task was to make the scene work for the story-line and continuity. (make the hilltop open flat. make sea deeper water against cliffs. make sky cloudy and moody, etc)
VFX breakdown
Under water scene was shot in a giant water tank. My task was to make it feel that ED is sinking much deeper into the water. one of the shot of sinking into the water. they shot horizontal and pulled ED from screen left to right to travel longer distance. I added shadows and caustic light from above to integrate shot. Other work I did for this scene includes: remove bottom of the tank and surface of the water showing. remove ropes for holding ED in same spot, soften the production light used as Stede glowing lights.
VFX breakdown
 here are some of the works' before and after. live action compositing, enhancement, splitscren, etc
Director David Jenkins
Visual Effects Supervisor David Van Dyke
VFX Producer Shane Strickman, VFX Coordinator Alexa Furr, Compositing Supervisor Matthew Wilson
Matte-painting, Digital Compositing Takashi Takeoka
Our Flag Means Death Season 2 VFX

Our Flag Means Death Season 2 VFX
