Berkley Bedell's profile

FWS Salmon Research: Anchor Point, AK

     Alaska remains today as one of the last truly wild places in the United State of America, allowing its’ wild animals the freedom to live and flourish with little human interference. Unfortunately though, this is a luxury that is not extended to its’ salmon. Born in the rivers of Alaska, living their lives in the Pacific Ocean, then returning to the same rivers of their birth, salmon’s existence is dependent on the health of Alaska’s waterways. Due to human effects on its’ waterways, from population and industry growth, and overharvesting, salmon numbers both leaving the rivers and returning to spawn have been in a dangerous decline. In hopes of countering this decline, groups such as U.S. Fish and Wildlife have established programs to monitor salmon numbers and regulate harvesting. Using a variety of systems such as nets, traps, and underwater cameras, they monitor the runs with the hope of producing higher counts with each new season. Because, as a food (both human and animal), economic, spiritual, religious, and sport source, salmon truly are the life-blood of Alaska.
FWS Salmon Research: Anchor Point, AK

FWS Salmon Research: Anchor Point, AK

Alaska remains today as one of the last truly wild places in the United State of America, allowing its’ wild animals the freedom to live and flou Read More
