Meredith Roturier's profile

SGNE on tour — Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

SGNE on tour 2023-2024
Service général du Numérique éducatif 
Administration générale de l'Enseignement 
Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Vignette d'annonce des événements et salons nationaux (Belgique) où le service aura du SGNE aura un stand. Communication à destination interne (intranet Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles).

Visual announcing educational national events and fairs in Belgium, where the SGNE service will have a stand. Internal communication (intranet Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles).
Recherches 3 axes (x,y,z) affiche A3 — 3 Research axes (x,y,z) A3 Poster
Axe X: About "digital tour" wire to symbolize connexion, digital and the road tour in the Wallonia-Brussels area to visit all the events of the year. The geometric "tetris blocs" conveys the complementarity of the various events and remind educational games, synergy and balance between various elements as various resources or disciplines in education. Games as other tools to learn. Idea of co-contruction.The grid symbolises the structure here, organization in learning as for time in a calendar or notebooks.

Axe Y: About "tools" digital equipments & connexions provided by the service. Metaphorically, the circuit board conveys the idea of the Belgian educational landscape everything is connected, thanks to links between events, wires, storage resources with memory modules... Demonstration of the large open access and sharing possibilities than the digital offers.

Axe Z: About "connexion & links" such as the service purpose gather peoples (readers & contributors...) and educational resources. Characters are portrayed to express the human interaction behind the digital services and products "from who and for who".
The Wallonia-Brussels map is an element to show the global vision of the whole territory in the service activities and more literally in that case where all the events will take place. The grid symbolises structure organization and distribution. It also underlines cartographic visual code of representation.
Developpement axe XDevelopment​​​​​​​
SGNE on tour — Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

SGNE on tour — Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

«SGNE on tour» Propositions visuelles pour le web (intranet Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles) et affiche A3 informant des différents salons et événe Read More
