CFN Kimya | 10th Anniversary Brand Identity Design

As part of the 10th anniversary celebrations of CFN Kimya, one of the leading EPS manufacturing companies in Turkey, we prepared a communication campaign and designed a logo to be used in their 10th anniversary activities.

We stylized this X shape to gain geometric depth based on the representation of the number 10, which is a milestone for the company, with the Roman numeral X. We nourished the dynamic world we created with the logo with colours and made the company's value structure part of the corporate identity.

Client: CFN Kimya
Category: Brand Strategy, Logo & Brand Identity Design
Creative Director: Harun Tan
Brand Strategy: Mustafa Yaman
Art Director: Selin Naçar
Concept Design and Application: M. Cem Eryılmaz
Project Managers: İslam Dalp, İrem Nur Kaya
ⓒ 2023. Simurg Studio. All rights reserved

CFN Kimya | 10th Anniversary Brand Identity Design