Noortje Wijnands's profile

Mercy plague doctor skin concept

Mercy skin concept
i always loved overwatch from the first cinematic i saw online (Alive) so when i started playing my first hero to learn for competitive was mercy, and mercy always had a special place in my heart after this so i decided to make a skin concept for her for my first concept project.
Above are some screenshots from mercy in the hero gallery.
beneath are the screenshots from moira and matching skins

Beneath is a small brainstorm of the skins i would be willing to draw / make a concept off​​​​​​​
1, talon 
2, blackwatch
3, traditional swiss
4, world traveler
5, accurate angel
6, dove
7, death
8, target practise (for the meme)
(Or to match with the moira skins)
9, Plague doctor
10, water
I narrowed my ideas down to the most likely being published skins that people would want with a bit of information of how i would try to draw them
1, talon mercy  (a black - red - white color palette + more sharpness to the design)
6, Dove (people already draw winged victory a lot like a dove and it would add to her fighting for peace as a dove is a symbol for peace)
7, death (Ingame her being able to rez people gives her a kinda goddess of life and death is always a fun concept so i would give this a kinda grim reaper vibe)
9, Plague doctor (personally i LOVE plague doctor designs and since moira got a kinda modern one i could try to give mercy a old fashioned version)
After considering the ideas i decided i will go for plague doctor as i had the clearest idea for it
(i might make the other concepts later though in a different document
Here are my inspirations for the plague doctor skin
For the caduceus blaster i thought off a design that might be simular to tracers gun in her will-o-wisp skin.
While having the bird face pattern on the gun i thought mercy's reload animation would show a vile with plants/herbs instead of just fancy light rotating, and obviously an different color pallete and the bird skull looking a bit different.

For the first design i asked my classmates (Damian + Joelle + Kris) for feedback and it was that i needed to make it more doctor like and less bird like. since its more about medical things then the bird part.
For the caduceus staff i thought of a long walking stick with rotating bird skulls or plants/herbs or even both drawn together or bird claws / bones

Although i asked my classmates what the best version of it was it came out we didnt really want the herbs and wanted the fire and the bird skull so we kept that
For the body i cannot specify that much as its mostly shown in the sketches  but i thought it had to resemble a cloak, a fwew designs of the boots and hands but nothing to crazy

I wanted to keep the cloak part of it but make it more "pretty" and fancy like so it would fit mercy more (that you can see in the second design and the eventual design)
For the wings i thought the cloak could kinda mask the ways the wings go into the body but having different endings as shown in the sketches

My first idea was it to be herbs growing out of her back but that would be to magical in my taste and not fit the science fiction theme overwatch is going for, so my second design was the bird skull but i would think thats to much bird things going on so i wanted a more dirty looking maybe even voodoo like wings so i choose the last one.
for the head i obviously want a plague doctor mask but i wanted to play around with the hats and halo.

this was an easy choice, i just drew 3 heads i wanted it to look like and resemble an old plague doctor. my classmates imidiately liked the first one i drew so we went with that one.
This was my sketch of the outlines of the concept skin so i will digitalise it and start experimenting with the colors

Explanation for my color palettes
I wanted to go for a medieval plague doctor vibe but it should still look a bit modern to match with the ww2 vibes the moira skin gives
Gray would give it a more modern and clean look then brown would.
Purple + pink + red are colors almost everyone would like on mercy
Blue + green gives a popping power of the details
black is just a color that can go with everything
yellow + orange is mercy's color and gold always looks good

I asked my mentor to give his feedback of my color palette so this is what he said
It shouldnt be to much brown as that gives a old vibe wich we do not need as it should be semi modern, gray will give that but not to much as thats to modern.

Now its time to choose wich color palette i will be working with and experiment with
immidiately the second right falls off as it looks to earthy and old
the second left and the middle one look to modern for my goal
the top left one looks old and a little bit to yellow / voodoo like almost like a scarecrow
the top right is a bit cyberpunk like but i might play a little with the saturation of the colors

i eventually choose for the top left one as it looked most like an old plague doctor.

i used this referrence sheet to draw over​​​​​​​
This is my result for page one
i changed it a little bit from my other reff
after making the skin concept on paper i also wanted to try to model it in blender (wich of i have never ever touched before) so this was my first try 

mijn feedback van kris was dat ik niet moest beginnen met een gyrosphere maar moest beginnen met een blok en niet in sculpting meteen moest gaan maar moest gaan modellen
During this project i also had a lot LOT of other projects on school like actually learning blender and some assignments that are not important to the creative progress
(here is the progress of me learning a little bit of blender wich helped me with this project)
obviously it was not even near the masker that i wanted so i deleted it and tried again with help from one of my classmates since i literally do not know any shortcuts on blender and the youtube turtorials were also a bit weird to follow since its not a exact step to step since everyone wants to make something different. but i managed to learn a fwew small shortcuts and how to properly get a refference in blender
some of the YT turtorials that i followed

i eventually settled with this for the mask and i will try to make the full body later
Mijn feedback die ik er nu op heb gekregen
– maren + kris
Presentatie = goed
Uitleg = voldoende
Beeldmateriaal = voldoende
stappen = onvoldoende
feedback = onvoldoende

Wat ik van mijn project + feedback tot nu toe vind
Ik had teveel van mezelf verwacht waneer ik een hele 3D character wou maken terwijl ik nooit blender had aangeraakt. Ik leer langzaam en deze project aangaan zag eruit alsof het was te doen. Het was het niet niet omdat ik het niet kan het was teveel omdat school teveel projecten tegenlijk gaf later in de periode. Kwam teveel tegelijk aan en daardoor hang ik vast en kan ik niet werken.

Ik ben niet trots op mijn presentatie of werk tot nu toe en de feedback is veel te aardig voor mij
Mercy plague doctor skin concept

Mercy plague doctor skin concept
