Fernando Palma's profile

Moai Design Brand Identity

"Corporate Competence. Rock and Roll Spirit"
Iwas hired by two friends to design their new logo/brandand respective corporate identity. Fortunately, they have set one ofthe coolest slogans/moto i´ve ever read to be the embrionary cellsof the whole project. The company is a design studio. And allgraphics bellow are based on the concept above. The results/solutions mademe very proud.
First is defined the form.
Then i play with the carachter "Grandão". The Moai Statue. Flerts with some color.
Still "playing": lines, edges and angles. Configured a pattern with the M symbol.
Color Study
Rubber Stamps = Economy
First application study: Studio T-shirts
Second application study: Studio guitar picks
Pattern device application
Moai Design Brand Identity


Moai Design Brand Identity

Brand Identity graphic design for friend´s Design Studio in my hometown. Comissioned Work.
