Dante Presedo's profile

Adobe 3D Art Gallery

375 Park Avenue
Tobias Klein is an internationally trained architect and educator. Klein's design of 375 Park Avenue takes the form of an elaborate architectural provocation, fusing anatomical data of the author with the modern language of architect, Mies van der Rohe. By using MRI scans of his own body as the basis to design a digital embodiment, 375 Park Avenue questions today’s seemingly obsolete modern credo of form follows function and instead opens a line of inquisition regarding the contemporary condition of embodied space in a post-natural state.
White Rhino
Freelance sculptor, Paul Liaw, custom designed this 3D printed piece, White Rhino, using ZBrush, Maya, and Adobe Photoshop CC 3D printing capabilities. Liaw chose a Rhino as a subject because the animal’s size and wrinkly skin texture would be difficult to achieve. The detail to the rhino’s skin texture pushed expectations from a print of that size.
Phobia: Late by Traffic
Interdisciplinary artist, 3D modeler, and educator Jessica Searfino created Phobia: Late by Traffic. Phobia: noun. An extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something. One of my biggest fears is being late, worst of all by traffic. An hourglass represents time as it inevitably runs out; there is no control over it. The cars take the form of sand as they jam through the neck one at a time. This piece serves as a reminder that there is no control over traffic and testifies the importance of time management.
From the series 'Prodromes'
From the series 'Prodromes'
From the series 'Prodromes'

Brooklyn-based new media artist Sophie Kahn’s new project, Prodromes, draws on the grammar of “hysteria”, a long-discounted diagnosis prevalent in the late nineteenth century. At the Salpêtrière hospital in Paris, Dr. Jean-Martin Charcot invented a series of poses, which he claimed were typical of the stages of an attack of hysteria. Kahn was struck by the idea of technological representation as a fraught transaction, and by the hubris involved in using technology to codify something as invisible as madness. So, she recreated them in her studio with her own body and a 3D laser scanner. She then sculpted and edited the 3D files and 3D printed the results. The final fragmentary sculptures suggest a damaged body undergoing a process of deconstruction - or reconstruction.
Toy Rocket CCCP and Scarecrow 3D
Toy Rocket CCCP
Scarecrow 3D

Francois Veraart is a freelance designer in the Netherlands who has spent the last twenty years as an illustrator in the advertising world. His illustrations have been used by Nokia, Heineken, Amstel, and Tommy Hilfiger. He began his career hand-drawing his designs and over time adopted a digital workflow. He is enjoying exploring new creative avenues, blending 3D effects with photography to achieve a realistic effect. More recently Francois has begin to experiment with 3D printing.

Dreamer Mask: Illumination
3D Printing artist Meliisa Mg, modeled Dreamer Mask: Illumination in Blender and put the mask through the 3D printing features in Adobe Photoshop CC. This mask the first piece in her series of Dreamer/Nightmare masks. The intricate design is derived from her fluidly chaotic black and white ink illustrations.
Return of the Feathered Snake God
Alejandro Guzmán, artist, web designer, and educator, is based in Zumpango, a small city located in the State of Mexico. Guzmán based this piece on the Quetzalcoatl Temple heads of Teotihuacan, “the city of gods. He likes based on Mexican pre-Hispanic Aztec art, especially all things related to Quetzalcoatl/Kukulcan. For inspiration, he researches databases, museums, sculptures, and historic jewelry and creates art based on the styles that he feels are beautiful—all in an effort to share this specific art that he loves with others.
Based in France, Philippe Graindorge is a 3D aerial photographer. This beautiful 3D model is of chateau in the small village of Hautefort in Dordogne, France. Graindorge worked with the 3D printing features in Adobe Photoshop CC to transform the 3D design directly into a physical object through a locally connected Mcor IRIS, the world’s most colour-capable 3D printer.
Adobe 3D Art Gallery

Adobe 3D Art Gallery

A collection of various artists work.
