After many years abscence, I have started watching Formula 1 again. Whilst watching the Hungarian Grand Prix, I pondered on the fact that the cars are no longer plastered with adverts for cigarettes, but now they seem to be mainly promoting alcohol products (which is pretty ironic, don't you think?).
This led me to think about how a F1 car might look if it was rich enough to promote my own business "STARS Grafix", which in turn led to this vector graphic, which I created using Adobe's incredible Illustrator CS6 program.
Vector graphic of a Formula 1 McLaren Mercedes with STARS Grafix livery
(birds-eye view)
Vector graphic of a Formula 1 McLaren Mercedes with STARS Grafix livery
​(side view)
©2014 STARS Grafix
STARS Grafix F1

STARS Grafix F1

A vector illustration created with Adobe Illustrator showing a McLaren Mercedes Formula One car with envisaged STARS Grafix livery
