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Spiro Spathis Logo and Packaging Design

Spiro Spathis: Embracing Change with a New Logo and Packaging Design 

Spiro Spathis, an Egyptian brand established in 1920, has embarked on a journey of transformation in 2023. Recognizing the importance of staying relevant in the ever-evolving market, the company made the strategic decision to design a new logo that not only captures the essence of the current era but also preserves the spirit of the iconic old logo that has resonated with the public for decades. In addition to the logo, the brand also revamped its packaging to align with the new identity design.

The new logo represents a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. It draws inspiration from the original logo, incorporating key elements that have become synonymous with the Spiro Spathis brand. By doing so, the company ensures that the logo maintains a sense of familiarity, evoking fond memories and building on the existing brand recognition. However, the new design also introduces contemporary elements, reflecting the brand's commitment to staying abreast of the times.

Accompanying the logo redesign, the brand took the opportunity to reimagine its packaging. The new packaging design complements the logo, creating a cohesive and unified brand identity. It showcases a balance between sophistication and innovation, appealing to both loyal customers and a new generation of consumers.

The shape of the packaging has been transformed to align with the brand's new identity. It embodies a sleek and modern aesthetic, capturing the attention of shoppers and conveying a sense of quality and luxury. The updated packaging not only enhances the visual appeal but also improves functionality, ensuring convenience for consumers in their day-to-day use.

Spiro Spathis' decision to refresh its logo and packaging demonstrates its commitment to adapt to the changing market dynamics while honoring its heritage. By striking a balance between the old and the new, the brand aims to captivate a wider audience and reinforce its position as a symbol of timeless elegance and style.

In conclusion, Spiro Spathis' recent logo and packaging redesign marks an exciting chapter in the brand's history. By embracing change and embracing the spirit of the old logo, the company has successfully created a new identity that resonates with both loyal customers and a new generation. With its updated logo and packaging, Spiro Spathis is poised to make a lasting impression on the market, continuing to offer quality products that embody the essence of Egyptian craftsmanship.

Spiro Spathis Logo and Packaging Design


Spiro Spathis Logo and Packaging Design
