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It could be argued that the concept of life takes precedence among the three. In truth, living is of utmost importance to the individual, even without considering the feelings of safety and freedom. In truth, living is of utmost importance to the individual, even without considering the feelings of safety and freedom. However, if we disregard these notions, what is left of the concept of living?
Greek philosophy reveals the notion of indeterminism as freedom of the will. Epicurus (341-270 BC) was influenced by Democritus' ideas while shaping his own views on nature. His belief was that atoms and emptiness, which do not have a beginning or end, form the basis of everything. In nature, everything occurs due to the movement of atoms in empty space. Epicurus, unable to offer an explanation, proposed that certain atoms fall without cause, deviating slightly from their intended direction. These atoms vary in size, shape, and weight and fall in an orderly fashion from top to bottom. As there is no mechanical necessity in nature, humans are able to shape their own destiny.
How do these atoms combine in such a structured manner? Many internal and external factors influence human voluntary actions. Nonetheless, individuals are not always subject to these circumstances; they possess the ability to make choices. This is why Epicurus defined indifference as the possibility of freedom.
The individual is attempting to distance themselves from society, however, society is resistant to accepting this deviation. As a result, individuals who we may describe as "lost" are unable to attain the desired state of "indifference" due to society's oppressive stance, thus impeding their liberation. Society tends to pass judgement on individuals rather than accepting them, forcing some to seek refuge in alienation and distance themselves from this pervasive phenomenon. Scene 1 of the film introduces H. waking up to a picturesque day, brimming with joy and vitality.
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