Mark Gilbert's profile

Gayelle the Channel - Brand Development

A space for us all
Gayelle The Channel - Branding
TL:DR — The motion tracking and animations were done using Apple Motion 3 and the person that transitioned across the frame was rotoscoped. My role was creative lead on this project. Read on if you want to know more about the process and considerations behind this.
This animated station ident was designed for a local television station (Gayelle) in transition, during changing and challenging times. The leadership wanted to communicate that the brand was evolving.The concept was that these spaces existed everywhere. Often in the most unlikely of places and I wanted to illustrate that with the use of immersive street footage of local areas in and around the studio.

Functioning as the creative lead on the project working alongside man dem like Conrad Parris, Keron Yan, and Ricky Latiff and an extraordinary team of creative minds and talents. So many. Many are certainly off to bigger and better places and things… But back to the story…

We picked up the cameras available at the time and grabbed some clips. Thinking back I feel as though my vérité style of shooting started to develop around that time. So incorporating the “live” hand held look was a deliberate detail.
The [ square brackets ] were used to frame the naturally occurring “spaces” and highlight and signify that within that frame there was something extra ordinary there: visually. Conceptually the Gayelle represented our space and there is where we ought to be. Home.

So then it was VFX time and final output.

Now while watching the clip again after so long, I only now realize the how naturally colour scheme match Trinidad and Tobago's national colours.
Gayelle the Channel - Brand Development


Gayelle the Channel - Brand Development
