The #DiverseVibes Digital Campaign is youth-centred and youth led digital campaign by NairoBits Trust, a Kenyan non-profit that uses ICT to deliver socio-economic transformation for communities in under-resourced areas.

The Campaign is being delivered as part of the #RightHereRightNow 2 program which seeks to ensure that young people in all their diversity enjoy their sexual and reproductive health and rights in gender just societies.

#DiverseVibes seeks to have honest assorted conversations around SRHR Information & Education and Gender Justice and what this means for societies with a particular lens on young people.

Kenyan Youth - Age: 18 - 35, Conforms to different genders and sexuality identification, Diverse interests and hobbies across different knowledge domains, Disability
Like-minded organizations & partners - RHRN Coalition Members, Orgs with SRHR/CSE programs.
Secondary Audience - Parents, Teachers, Duty Bearers

To encourage open, honest and constructive conversations around SRHR and Gender Justice in societies

A vibrant, dynamic lockup pulsating key visual/lock up with energy to act as the visual anthem of a #DiversVibes (SRHR) campaign. It's not just a static logo; it's a living, breathing expression of empowerment. The core of this lockup is a symphony of bold colors intertwining, representing the diverse spectrum of identities and experiences. The typography dances with purpose—confident and modern, echoing the campaign's progressive spirit. 

Use the developed assets/lockup to further develop campaign & webinar posters and extensive digital collateral with SRHR information.


An iconic symbol, representing unity, choice, and the celebration of sexual health. 
Its fluid lines echo the movement towards a future where SRHR is not just a conversation but a lived reality. As the lockup takes center stage, it's not just a visual masterpiece; it's a call to action. It's the spark that ignites conversations, challenges norms, and champions the right to comprehensive sexual health for all. 

This dynamic lockup isn't just a design; it's a movement captured in pixels and ink, ready to set the world ablaze with awareness and change.
Diverse Vibes


Diverse Vibes


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