Personal Monogram Design

As part of a university design assignment, I embarked on the task of creating a personal monogram that reflects two distinct personality characteristics - "Flamboyant" and "Strong-willed".

This project involved
- Extensive research on diverse typefaces that resonate with my chosen traits.
- Detailed analysis of type anatomy, ensuring the design exudes both flamboyance and ---  determination.
- Design mockups using various fonts to visualize and refine my concepts.
- Iterative design processes leading to the final monogram.

My final monogram tells a story:
I chose the Lust Script typeface to showcase my flamboyant side, capturing the drama with the graceful curves in the upper area of the 'S'. For the strong-willed aspect, I turned to Exocet OTCECY, with its thick strokes conveying stability and strength. The added serif element lends a mature touch, balancing the flamboyance.

The journey wasn't without its challenges. Pairing the inherently curvaceous 'S' with a straight letter posed an interesting dilemma. I scoured a variety of typefaces, spanning serifs and sans serifs, exploring different thicknesses and levels of ornamentation. Each typeface brought its unique personality to the canvas.

I meticulously experimented with different 'V' shapes, seeking the perfect fit that resonated with the personality I envisioned. Aligning my sketches with the chosen typefaces proved another hurdle, requiring focused attention to maintain the intended cohesion.

The result is a monogram where the 'V' gracefully intersects with the 'S', creating a clean yet expressive design. This project pushed me to think and explore in new ways, offering invaluable lessons and insights into the world of typography and design.

Personal Monograph


Personal Monograph
