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The deer and the vanishing forest

synopsis:Once upon a time, a deer was looking for food in the forest. In the middle of gathering food, he heard the sound of bushes from a distance. The deer who heard the sound turned his head; he looked scared. But the fear in his mind suddenly vanished with the sound of the bushes returning to silence, and the deer returned to continuing its purpose, looking for food. The silent bushes started ringing again, the sound got louder and faster towards the deer, the deer looked back, and from the bushes you could see the shadow of a predator ready to prey. The poor deer panicked, ran scared, dropped his basket of food, ran, and continued to run, but the poor deer, his little feet tripped on a rock, his body landed hard on the ground, and the shadow of the predator lurking in the bushes intimidated the poor deer.
The deer and the vanishing forest

The deer and the vanishing forest
