4 Compositions
My first art school project! The goal was to explore and address the principles of symmetrical, radial, static, dynamic, and crystallographic composition.
Project Description and Objective
You will create four square arrangements on 11” x 11” Bristol board using shapes cut from black construction paper that will explore and successfully address the principles of symmetrical,
radial, static, dynamic, and crystallographic composition.
The Four Compositions
Radial Composition...........................................................................................................TOP RIGHT
Static Asymmetrical Composition...............................................................................BOTTOM LEFT
Dynamic Asymmetrical Composition.......................................................................BOTTOM RIGHT
Crystallographic Composition.............................................................................................TOP LEFT
Project Timeline
M | 8.21 | Project Introduction, Read Lecture #1, Work on sketches
W | 8.23 | Discuss Lecture #1, Paper cutting and gluing demo, Work on sketches
M | 8.28 | 20 Sketches due
W | 8.30 | Class work day
M | 9.4   | NO CLASS - Labor Day
W | 9.6   | Project Due - Group Critique 

- Sketchbook
- Drawing pencils
- Black Micron pens
- Kneaded and plastic erasers
- X-Acto knife and blades
- 11” x 14” Bristol board
- Envelope or pocket folder to store your shapes in
- Black construction paper
- Cutting mat 
- White glue (Elmer’s or PVA bookbinding glue)
- Templates for drawing shapes
- Drawing compass
- Metal, cork-backed ruler

Preliminary Process
create at least 5 different possible configurations (rough sketches) for each composition (20 total). All shapes created must be non-representational (no stars, hearts, emojis, numbers, letters, flowers, etc.). For all compositions, carefully consider Rule-of-Thirds, and positive and active negative space. You are using a square format, which means that, naturally, our eyes go straight to the center. 

Rough Sketches (20)​​​​​​​
Place Holder (Photos in progress)
Final Sketches (4)
Place Holder (Photos in progress)
Final Bristol & Paper Compositions (4)
4 Compositions


4 Compositions
