Fleur-Anne van Dinther's profile

First and Second Impression

First and Second Impressions

First Impression Final Product
Second Impressions Final Product
The assignment ''First Impression and Second Impression'' was meant to introduce ourselves to the school and our new classmates by creating an avatar icon as a 'first layer' in any medium that was of preference and creating a 'second layer' using the program Blippar
Process First Impression

At first, we had to grab some random magazines and make a collage out of all the things we thought described us, or simply pick images that we like and really spoke to us. I mainly just cut out images that I really liked, but after I sat down and wrote the words that came up and made some sketches based off of the words, I realized they didn't really describe who I am as a person
 The words I wrote down + the sketches I made with it
In the meantime we did a little exercise where we had to combine and stylize various words 
We also had to make a style- and moodboard
Because the sketches from before and the words didn't really feel right just yet, I decided to restart my process and begin anew
Here are some keywords that came up when I thought of myself, my personality and what I thought really described me

Quickly after that, I just started putting down some ideas I already had in my head. I really wanted to do something with the N64, since that era of gaming really shaped my taste in music, gaming and myself overall, so I put myself and the things I love in a CRT TV as if I were a in a video game
The following steps were recreating the last sketch I made in ClipStudioPaint. First I remade the sketch, made the (messy) lineart, put on the flatcolors and finally render it by painting on top of the layers and playing around with blending modes. The messy outcome was completely intentional, since I wanted to challenge myself a little bit
Process Second Impression
The 3D models I used were mainly from Sketchfab. As I mentioned before, I wanted to incorporate something with the N64 in this assignment. So I put down a N64 controller, a character from the Banjo-Kazooie series and a little Mario64 star. The dog character called Jake is from my favorite cartoon Adventure Time
Aside from the 3D models, I also made a little animated text that said ''PRESS START TO PLAY... START''
First and Second Impression

First and Second Impression
