Emotional Response (Working Model Prototype) Task

Emotional Response Task
Previously, my group and I were told to create an experience map for a particular service. From our illustrated map, we indicated which part of the customer pain-points was crucial for the service. Our service was that of the "Dart" application, a local-based transportation application.

For this task, we are then tasked to generate an innovative system that could help customers during that crucial moment in time. This could be either a website, mobile app, kiosk, etc. We are then tasked with designing a working model prototype of the system. 

Disclaimer: The assets used for prototype is purely for educational purposes only
Page 1: Loading/Startup Screen.
A general startup screen, which allows the application to properly load
Page 2: Guest Drive Option
A new feature that bypasses the need to create an account and go for a drive immediately 
Page 3 and 4: Satellite View
With this feature, it allows for greater pinpointing accuracy as users are able to familiarize themselves with the landmarks around them via top-view from the satellite
Page 5: Live Traffic Updates
Users are able see the live traffic conditions from their pick-up point to their intended location. It allows for better planning before deciding on getting a ride. Additionally, it also shows the suggested time to leave in order to arrive by the estimated time shown.
Page 6 and 7: Ride Confirmation and Payment Options
Users are able to reconfirm their ride before making the final confirmation should there be any hesitations. The payment UI design is also greatly overhauled for better visuals and ease of use
Page 8 and 9: Status/Cancellation and Rating System
With the chat system, users and drivers are able to update each other of their status and even have the option to wait or cancel the ride altogether. Additionally, the rating system has also been given a visual upgrade as well as give the ability of the users to leave comments/review of the driver
Full Page Layout
Prototype of improved DART Application
Group 14
Muhammad Aiman @ Mahadi bin Aidee Suherman (B20210120)
Hamdi Mashhor bin Hj Ahmad Juwanda (B20210426)
Mahdani @ Muhammad Izzat bin Haji Hamdani (B2020029)
Thank you!
Emotional Response (Working Model Prototype) Task

Emotional Response (Working Model Prototype) Task
