”The future of rock ‘n’ roll, it’s Justin Bieber.”
Torture a man and he will tell you anything.
In addition to being inhumane, torture is ineffective. Let's stop it.
Amnesty International

“A man who does not have a Rolex watch at 50 years old has failed in his life.”

Torture a man and he will tell you anything.
In addition to being inhumane, torture is ineffective. Let's stop it.
Amnesty International
“The height of elegance is a Hawaiian shirt with flip-flops.”

Torture a man and he will tell you anything.
In addition to being inhumane, torture is ineffective. Let's stop it.
Amnesty International
Client: Amnesty International
Contact: Philippe Hensmans
Agency : Air Brussels partner of Mc Cann
Creative Director : Marie-Laure Cliquennois, Grégory Ginterdaele
Creation : Catherine Quadens, Jean-Marc Wachsmann
Retouching : François-Olivier Dedeyn
Account: Julie De Smedt
Creative Producers: Anne Gruszow
Amnesty against torture

Amnesty against torture

