AR art shopping app

Case Study: ARTEAKARN - Transforming Art Shopping with Augmented Reality

ARTEAKARN is an innovative mobile application designed to revolutionize the art-buying experience by leveraging augmented reality (AR) technology. The app offers art enthusiasts and potential buyers a unique and immersive way to preview artworks within their own physical spaces before making purchase decisions. This case study delves into the development, implementation, and the transformative impact of ARTEAKARN on the art market.

Problem Statement

Traditional art buying often presents challenges, primarily centered around the inability of buyers to visualize how artworks will integrate into their living or working spaces. This limitation leads to uncertainties and often results in lower art sales conversions.

ARTEAKARN was developed to address these challenges. Key features of the app include:

AR Art Placement: Users can select artworks from a vast catalog and use their smartphones or tablets to position them accurately within their physical surroundings. The app seamlessly scales and positions the artwork to offer a lifelike view.
360-Degree Views: ARTEAKARN provides comprehensive 360-degree views of artworks, enabling users to scrutinize details, textures, and color variations from various angles.
Virtual Galleries: Users can curate virtual art galleries within the app, enabling them to organize their art collections and share them with friends, decorators, or potential buyers.
In-App Purchases: ARTEAKARN facilitates secure and straightforward in-app purchases, streamlining the art shopping process.

Development and Implementation

ARTEAKARN's development involved a collaborative effort among skilled AR developers, UI/UX designers, art curators, and art dealers. The development process encompassed:
Artwork Scanning: High-resolution scans and photographs of artworks were meticulously integrated into the app's extensive database.
AR Algorithm: An advanced AR algorithm was devised to impeccably position and scale artworks within the user's surroundings in real-time.
User Interface Design: The app's user interface was meticulously designed to ensure ease of navigation, allowing users to effortlessly browse, select, and purchase artworks.
Integration with E-commerce: ARTEAKARN seamlessly integrated with renowned art marketplaces to facilitate secure and convenient transactions.
Testing and Feedback: Rigorous testing and valuable feedback from art collectors and enthusiasts played a pivotal role in refining the app's features and enhancing user-friendliness.


ARTEAKARN has made a significant impact on the art-buying landscape:
Boosted Sales: ARTEAKARN has markedly increased art sales by mitigating the hesitations associated with online purchases. Users can now confidently envision how an artwork complements their space before committing to a purchase.
Enhanced Engagement: Users actively engage with the app, spending more time exploring artworks, creating virtual galleries, and sharing their creations. This heightened engagement has fostered a more informed and enthusiastic art-buying community.
Artistic Exploration: ARTEAKARN exposes users to new artists and diverse art styles, encouraging them to explore a broader spectrum of artworks.
Artist Visibility: Emerging artists gain invaluable exposure through the app, offering them a platform to showcase their work to a global audience.


ARTEAKARN stands as a testament to the seamless fusion of art and technology, delivering a one-of-a-kind art-buying experience. By harnessing the capabilities of augmented reality, the app overcomes the limitations of conventional art sales channels, fostering deeper engagement and elevating art sales. ARTEAKARN's success underscores the potential for technology to redefine and rejuvenate the art market, making it more accessible and enjoyable for art enthusiasts and buyers worldwide.





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